How to donate

How To Donate

SET has managed to sustain its mission for almost 25 years thanks to the generosity and support of its friends and well-wishers. However, in common with all comparable organisations, SET has a constant need for donations to sustain its mission. This has gained poignancy with our immediate development focus on increasing the number of students.

Donations are gratefully accepted in cash or in kind. All donations will be acknowledged by an official receipt, so please ensure your name and address advised with your donation. Cash donations should be made by crossed cheque, payable to “Saran Educational Trust” and forwarded to.

Manager Resource Mobilization

Saran Educational Trust

ST-1, Gwalior Society, Sector 17-A/4, Scheme 33, Karachi.

Tel: 021-34156129

Donors are welcome for:

  • The General Fund
  • Sponsoring one student or multiple students
  • The Endowment Fund (from which only the income generated will be used for operating expenses.)
  • In kind

Donations can also be made by bank transfer to:

Bank Name: Bank Al-Habib
Branch Name: Allama Iqbal Road Branch
Account No: 1026-0081-005667-01-8
Account Title: Saran Educational Trust